Mindful Messaging

Do you want to land clients and customers who love you and rave about your business? Find passion and fire in your business instead of burnout? Make more sales with less fear? It all starts with your messaging!

Are You Ready To...

  • Sell only to your ideal client who will become a raving fan?
  • Turn your traffic into sales?  
  • Feel confident in who you're serving and how you're serving them?
  • Help more people who are the perfect fit for your offer?
  • Sift out people who won't like your product and become a problem client before they even buy?  
  • Show up as yourself in your business and make more sales?  
  • Stop burnout by staying passionate?  
  • Stay consistent so your ideal client will know your offer is the perfect solution for them?  
  • Gain confidence in your offer and yourself that will help launch your business into its next stage?

Your messaging is the center of your business. Without aligned messaging, your sales and mental space will suffer. Take control now.

What Does Mindful Messaging Look Like?

This course isn't just another course on running a business: it's a dive into alignment. So you can align your passion for what you want to do and who you want to help in a way that alleviates fear and empowers growth - all while making sales!

This course grows and flows with you, so if you want to do it all in one afternoon, you can. But if you want to take your time to explore the different areas, you can do that, too! In fact, I encourage you - at points - to stop, think, daydream, and come back.

Small businesses constantly fall into the unaligned marketing trap. You don't have to be one of them.

When your messaging is unaligned, your business becomes unaligned.

When your business becomes unaligned, you lose sight of who you are serving.

When you lose sight of who you are serving, you attract people who aren't a good fit.

When you attract people who aren't a good fit, you get bad reviews.

When you get bad reviews, your confidence is shaken.

When your confidence is shaken, you lose your traction and start working from a fear based perspective.

When you lose your traction and start working from a fear based perspective, you lose your passion.

When you lose your passion, you burn out.

Aligning your messaging allows you to stay patient, avoid burn out, help more people, and serve those who you really want to serve!

Course Pricing

Who is this person raving about messaging?

Hi! I'm Sara!

I'm a copywriter, messaging specialist, and lover of charcuterie boards! (Honestly, I'm a lover of all things food, but charcuterie boards are my current obsession.)

When I started my business, I had a lot of advantages... A degree in business administration and marketing. Corporate experience. Extensive online courses. A supportive community.

And you know what I still got wrong?

My messaging.

Yup, even as a copywriter - where messaging is fundamental - I messed it all up. That is how easy it is to do. I focused heavily on myself and not enough on my ideal clients. I got wrapped up in wanting to make sales and fear of what would happen if I didn't land every client I pitched. My business was a mix of fear and desire to help everyone I came across... I had all this knowledge I wanted to share to anyone who would listen. Partially because I wanted to help them and partially because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't.

And you know what happened? I made zero sales. Nada. No one wanted what I was selling.

Which, like, makes a lot of sense. They had no idea if I was the right person for them because I wasn't telling them I was! I was trying to be the perfect copywriter for...everyone. Spoiler alert: impossible.

Now, you might be thinking... This girl's got all these advantages... Like, she went to college for this... And she still messed it up that bad? She's kind of an idiot.

You're not wrong! But I prefer to think of myself as a learner by doing. And I learned through lots of bumps and bruises.

The good news is that now you don't have to!

In this course, you will find the process that I walk my clients through. This is the process that sets us up for success as we improve their marketing.

And now it's yours.